Over 30 Indians trapped in Myanmar’s Myawaddy released, says Indian foreign ministry

Over 30 Indians trapped in Myanmar’s Myawaddy released, says Indian foreign ministry
Myawaddy area in southeastern Myanmar's Kayin State bordering Thailand. Photo: Wikipedia
Myawaddy area in southeastern Myanmar's Kayin State bordering Thailand. Photo: Wikipedia

The Indian foreign ministry says as many as 32 Indians trapped in Myanmar's Myawaddy area after falling prey to an international racket promising jobs in Thailand have been rescued and efforts are underway to help others, the Telegraph reports.

Myawaddy area in southeastern Myanmar's Kayin State bordering Thailand is not fully under the control of the Myanmar junta and ethnic armed groups hold sway over it, the newspaper notes.

Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said: "Some fraudulent IT companies appear to be engaged in digital scamming and forged crypto activities. They seem to be operating through agents in Dubai, Bangkok and India, and are recruiting Indian workers on the pretext of employment opportunities in Thailand in the IT sector there."

He added that the workers are lured by social media advertisements for highly lucrative data entry jobs in Thailand.

"Unfortunately, these workers are then taken illegally across the border into the Myawaddy area of Myanmar and that area as you know is difficult to access due to the local security situation," Mr Bagchi said.

The Indian missions in Myanmar and Thailand have been working to free the victims and efforts are being made to help others, the Telegraph reports.

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