NUG supporters demonstrate in front of the White House in Washington

NUG supporters demonstrate in front of the White House in Washington

People of all ethnicities from Myanmar demonstrated in front of the White House in Washington DC on 25 February.

The demonstrators were calling for an end to deadly airstrikes by the Myanmar junta, the imposition of a No Fly Zone and for the junta’s upcoming illegitimate elections not to be internationally recognised.

The demonstrators gathered at the US State Office building before marching to the White House, despite bad weather conditions.

At the White House, the demonstrators put on a play about the way the junta was bombing the population and killing innocent people.

Bamar, Kachin, Karen, Chin and Arakan people attended the demonstration. they were joined by Mrs. Joan Friesen from the American Baptist Churches of Greater Indianapolis.

Following the demonstration, there was a meeting between the National Unity Government (NUG) in exile’s Communications, Information and Technology Minister U Htin Lin Aung and ethnic leaders from various Myanmar states, at the NUG office in Washington DC.

Apparently, they discussed how they could better cooperate to make the revolution more effective, according to demonstrators who were there.

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