NUG says allied forces under preparation to capture cities

NUG says allied forces under preparation to capture cities

A spokesman for the NUG presidential office told Than Lwin Times that ethnic armed organizations and allied forces are already making strategic preparations to capture cities across the country.

The National Unity Government (NUG) announced on October 7 that it will change from defensive to offensive to counter-attack the military council in 2023, opening six fronts in political, military, economic, and international affairs to make the revolution a success.

At present, strategic preparations are being made with coalition forces to capture cities, and it is said that some cities are in a situation where they can besiege the military units.

According to U Kyaw Zaw, spokesman for the NUG presidential office, strategies are being developed to minimize the damage to people's lives and homes in occupying the cities.

However, the NUG did not disclose when and how the cities were occupied.

On October 21, the military council responded strongly with airstrikes because netizens wrote on social media that the Kawkareik battle was a combat that seized the city.

A CDM lieutenant colonel of the Air Defense Force said that if the military council’s air attack could be prevented, the capturing cities would be able to be carried out to a certain extent, so an air defense system is needed first.

"To protect against military airstrikes, we have to attack their main airstrips and air bases. It is even better if we have anti-aircraft weapons, he said.

The Military Council has recently increased the number of airstrikes throughout the fighting between the two sides and has been deliberately bombing civilian targets.

In response to the military council's attacks, the National Unity Government claims to have strategically placed anti-aircraft weapons in locations where they will be most effective.

After the military coup, the military council forces carried out at least 250 airstrikes across the country, killing more than 200 civilians, according to NUG.

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