NUG calls on Myanmar people to report junta violations

NUG calls on Myanmar people to report junta violations

The Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government (NUG) announced its documentation of the State Administration Council’s violations of laws including war crimes, human rights violation, crimes against humanity and genocide, according to the NUG Weekly Press Update issued 16 February.

The NUG ministry stated that it has already been gathering evidence of the SAC’s crimes for some time, and called upon civilians, revolutionary forces and other organisations to assist the cause of justice by reporting evidence of SAC’s atrocities, crimes, and human rights violations to the ministry.

The NUG is working to build an alternative civilian government infrastructure for Myanmar in the wake of the illegal 1 February 2021 military coup that removed the elected civilian government of the National League for Democracy and incarcerated key figures including Aung San Suu Kyi and president Win Myint.

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