Nearly 50,000 homes torched across Myanmar

Nearly 50,000 homes torched across Myanmar

The military council and its affiliated groups set fire to 48,463 homes across Myanmar from May 2021 to December 31, 2022, according to a report released by the Data for Myanmar on January 15.

More than 48,000 homes were destroyed in Sagaing, Magway, Mandalay Division, Bago, and Tanintharyi Regions, and there were arson attacks in the remaining seven provinces.

Sagaing Region was the most burned with more than 36,000 houses; nearly 5,600 houses were burned in May 2022, more than 4,700 in November and more than 8,700 in December, according to the Data for Myanmar reported.

Magway suffered the second-highest number of house fires with over 8,500, including more than 1,400 in August 2022 and nearly 1,300 in November.

Data for Myanmar shows that more than 1,400 houses in Chin State and more than 1,700 houses in the rest of the state and region were destroyed by fire.

A few days ago, regime troops who were stationed at the Church of the Mother of God in Chan Thar village, west of Ye-U Township, Sagaing Region, burned down the 120-year-old church on the morning of January 15.

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