
April 1, 2024
Myanmar workers in Thailand report heightened restrictions on obtaining work permits for nationals from Myanmar since the start of this year. To...
March 30, 2024
Wealthy Chinese who are part of the scam operations and trafficking mafia, who run the notorious Shwe Kokko casino complex have returned to this town...
March 30, 2024
According to accessible data collected by the Kantrawaddy Times since the military coup, over the past three years of conflict, at least 136...
March 30, 2024
Fighting continues daily in Loikaw City, Karenni State, where the 1111 operation is underway. Despite heavy weapons fire, some families remain in the...
March 30, 2024
The Kantarawaddy Times Emergency Support Team (KTEST) has delivered water to some villages and IDP camps struggling with water shortages in eastern...
March 29, 2024
As the war gets closer to the capital, a significant number of medical staff have fled from Sittwe General Hospital, causing major shortages of...
March 29, 2024
Min Tun — The Arakan Army (AA) offensive targeting the Junta's Chain Khali and Donepike camps in Ratheduang Township launched on November 13, 2023,...
March 29, 2024
Following the enforcement of the conscription law by the Junta, youth seeking refuge with the resistance forces in Bago Region and undergoing...
March 29, 2024
Youths from Nawngkio Township, whose names were randomly selected from a list of civilians for forced military conscription, were sent to the...
March 28, 2024
Locals report a swift exodus of village, ward, and community administrative officials tasked with enforcing the Junta's conscription campaign in...
March 28, 2024
The Zoland People's Defense Force (PDF) has apprehended government staff who are implementing the State Administration Council's (SAC) forced...
March 28, 2024
On March 27, a Junta military vessel in Gyaing River shelled Dhammatha village in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State, igniting fires that consumed...