
June 15, 2022
Four civilian homes were totally destroyed during the regime’s artillery strike on Tedim, where according to locals, the Burma Army (BA) has...
June 15, 2022
A battalion of the Chinland Defence Force (CDF) has withdrawn from its camp in Kanpetlet Township after two days of heavy fighting with regime forces...
Junta soldiers in Phaikhun
June 14, 2022
Fifteen villagers were forced to lie down in a prone position and were investigated by a military battalion deploying into the border of Phaikhun...
June 14, 2022
The Department of Archaeology and National Museum in Mrauk-U has not yet been able to begin removing illegal settlements from the ancient city, ahead...
Over 2,000 locals forced to flee amid Myanmar military buildup, shelling in Bago Region
June 14, 2022
More than 2,100 people have been displaced by heavy artillery fire from the Myanmar military in Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Region, over recent days,...
June 14, 2022
The military council has ordered eleven families in the airport area of Ann township, where the western command is based, to relocate within three...
June 14, 2022
Section 144 of the night curfew from 10 Pm to 5 am has been extended to another two months for June to July in Maungdaw Township. The order was...
June 14, 2022
Farmers are protesting plans by the junta-appointed Shan State Forest Department to seize farmland for the construction of a government office in...
June 14, 2022
As early monsoonal rains bring flooding to the crowded Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, a serious and depressing realization is likely sinking...
June 14, 2022
Khin Zaw Thet, a member of the Mandalay Strike Force is receiving medical attention in hospital after being beaten by staff during a prison riot in...
More than 700,000 Muslims fled to Bangladesh in 2016-17. (Photo: AFP)
June 13, 2022
Arakanese political analysts say the military junta’s ostensible efforts to repatriate Muslims from Bangladesh are unlikely to succeed as long as...
 Photo : MKNJ
June 13, 2022
Fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Burma Army (BA) is taking place in Kachin and northern Shan states because BA troops are...