
October 17, 2022
The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) has offered to meet other ethnic armed groups in Burma for peace talks to build mutual trust and...
October 16, 2022
Betel nut suppliers told Than Lwin Times that they are facing losses due to the continuous decline in domestic and international demand and prices...
October 15, 2022
As the regime’s forces continue to keep a stranglehold on Mutupi and nothing is allowed to enter or leave the town in southern Chin State, the prices...
October 15, 2022
At least 5 civilians from Tanugup and Kyaukphyu Townships were arrested by the Military Council earlier this week. 4 of the arrested were from...
October 15, 2022
China's ambassador, Chan Hai, said that he believes that the Kyaukphyu power plant, which China has invested $150 million in, will help the further...
October 14, 2022
The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) remains on high alert after the tension arises in Myanmar bordering areas in recent days, reported Dhaka Tribune...
October 14, 2022
At least six residents of Kyauk Taw township located at upper Kaladan river have reportedly gone missing after they were arrested by the junta forces...
ပုံစာ - ပလက်ဝမြို့ကို တွေ့ရစဉ်။
October 14, 2022
(ဖမ်းဆီးခံရသူ နှစ်ဦးတွင် နို့စို့အရွယ် ကလေးများကျန်ခဲ့ပြီး ၎င်းတို့နှစ်ဦးကို အပြစ်မရှိပါက အမြန်ဆုံး ပြန်လွှတ်ပေးရန် မိသားစုက တောင်းဆိုကြသည်)...
October 14, 2022
The Mon Peace Defense Force announced that it will cooperate with the military council and stand as a local militia. The Mon Peace Defense Force,...
October 14, 2022
The Arakan Army (AA) seized and took control of the Border Guard Force (BGF) military-aligned militia’s Lateya base in Rakhine State’s northern...
October 14, 2022
Residents said that 3 pilgrims were killed and at least 15 were injured in a shooting near the Kyaik Htee Yoe Mountain basecamp bus station in Mon...
October 14, 2022
Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), a leading organization implementing the peace processes of the ceasefire groups, said that they are trying to...