Myawaddy Trade Zone reopened after junta closure due to nearby military clashes

Myawaddy Trade Zone reopened after junta closure due to nearby military clashes

The Myawaddy Trade Zone has reportedly been reopened after a surprise closure, thought to be linked to recent clashes between the Karen National Union (KNU) and local PDFs, according to local media reports.

The Thai-Myanmar trade zone in Myawaddy Township, Karen State was closed without prior warning at 1:00 pm on 18 August.

The military council has closed both import and export in the trade zone, and it has been occupied by the military council troops, according to locals.

"It was closed at 1 o'clock in the afternoon with a verbal order by Junta. It is ordered to clear everything in the trade zone area. Now they (military council troops) have taken the position in the trade zone. I don't know why they did that. These days, there is a fierce battle in Myawaddy and Kawkareik Townships. I do not know whether it is the reason for the close," said a freight forwarder who asked not to be named for security reasons.

The joint force of KNLA and local PDFs have been attacking the military council’s Border Guard Force (BGF) outpost which is located at Taung Thone Lone near Myawaddy-Asia highway road since on August 19.

The truck drivers from Myawaddy Township said that the Myawaddy-Asia highway road has been blocked since 19 August.

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