Myanmar’s UN representative says junta atrocities must be addressed

Myanmar’s UN representative says junta atrocities must be addressed

In a speech at the United Nations this week, Myanmar’s Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun spoke of the challenges facing his country as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the illegal military coup.

The following is a transcript of the official speech made on 1 September at the UNFPA Segment for Country Programmes during the Second Regular Session 2022 of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS:

Madam President,

I wish to begin by commending you for your able leadership as well as the members of the Bureau and the secretariat for the hard work.

I also wish to pay tribute to the leadership of UNOPS, UNDP and UNFPA and their respective teams for advancing the work of the UN development system.

Madam President,

Despite the pandemic and conflicts exacerbating unprecedented crises and imposing severe impacts on our ambition towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, we are glad that all UN entities have not wavered from their commitment to synergize their actions and endeavours, and are committed to continue fulfilling mandates through extensive collaboration and dialogues with member states and all relevant partners on all aspects ranging from administration to funding.

With specific regard to the implementation efforts on country programmes, we agree that each entity needs to continue exert greater attention to align entity-specific country programmes with the United Nations, and to put critical emphasis on national ownership and leadership and reflection of national priorities to bring about effective country programmes.

Moreover, we acknowledge UNFPA’s commitment to redouble its effort to achieve the three transformative results, and to continue implementing the funding, financing and resource mobilization approach within the overall framework of a reformed United Nations development system and the Funding Compact. Likewise, we acknowledge UNFPA’s resolute position for its way forward in addressing equity, gender equality and empowerment of women, girls and young people, the pursuit of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.

In relation to the UNFPA’s country program on Myanmar, I would like to welcome the key results achieved during the fourth term of the country programme, particularly in the areas for sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and women’s empowerment and population dynamics.

Indeed, Madam President, women and girls have been extremely vulnerable in these challenging times. While it is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the illegal military coup is another underlying reason of all causes. The social and economic developments of the country and the well-being of all people in Myanmar have been seriously affected by the illegal military coup. Significant numbers of women and girls have been subjected to various forms of abuses, torture and displacement.

At the same time, the economic aspect is never less concerning. The exchange rate for Myanmar Kyat to US dollar was stable at the range of 1,400 Myanmar Kyats prior to the illegal military coup. But today, it has increased to more than 4,100 Myanmar Kyats for one US dollar in the domestic exchange market. It is almost three times higher than before. Whilst such an increasing inflation is extremely shocking for the economy, they have immediate adverse impacts for the livelihoods and businesses of people living in Myanmar and the situation is likely to deteriorate even further.

Madam President,

The heartbreaking crisis caused by the military junta and its atrocities must be addressed by all means in a timely manner.

Therefore, I welcome the one-year extension of the country program for Myanmar. I do understand that operations of UN agencies in the country are very difficult and are encountering many challenges under these circumstances because of the illegal military coup and its atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and war crimes against its own people including women and girls.

For this reason, I wish to thank all UN agencies once again for their work in Myanmar and their contribution towards the people of Myanmar. Moreover, I wish to stress that implementation of all UN programmes in Myanmar is important and must be in compliance with the principle of no one left behind and transparency.

Accordingly, the National Unity Government is ready to extend its fullest support towards this end.

I thank you.

UN ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun. Photo Twitter

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