Myanmar junta preps for 2023 poll with pilot voter registration in battle-scarred Chin State

Myanmar junta preps for 2023 poll with pilot voter registration in battle-scarred Chin State

As part of the Myanmar junta plans for a national election in 2023, the Union Election Commission (UEC) is carrying out basic voter demographic activities for the junta’s election scheme as part of the UEC’s pilot project in Hakha and Paletwa Townships, Chin State, according to local people.

The junta recently extended its state of emergency and reiterated its plan to hold national elections in 2023.

Myanmar’s political scene is in disarray as the February 2021 military coup and the arrest of key National League for Democracy (NLD), including Aung San Suu Kyi and Win Myint, and crackdowns on the party have effectively put them from involvement in an election.

It is also known that the UEC is concerned that the basic voter demographic activities will not be completed on time due to ongoing fighting between Military Council troops and the Arakan Army (AA) and local defense forces in Paletwa Township.

“In Chin State, every township is like a battle field. During these days, the combat has started again. UEC members are desperately collecting household lists in the neighbourhood saying it is for the election in Paletwa and Hakha,” said a local resident in Paletwa.

The Myanmar junta claims there was fraud in the last election, providing them with an “excuse” to seize power.

“In the 2020 general elections, the junta seized power because the ballots were incorrect, they said so. Now it's like UEC members are recollecting the voter lists for the junta’s election scheme,” a local person from Hakha told Mizzima.

Currently, the Paletwa-Kyauktaw waterway has been temporarily closed by the Military Council since 1 August due to the ongoing battle between the AA and the junta troops, according to local people.

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