Myanmar junta monastery air attack in Karen State injures monk

Myanmar junta monastery air attack in Karen State injures monk

A Buddhist monastery in Karen State was bombed and destroyed by Myanmar jet fighters on 6 October.  

The Mae Ka Tha monastery in Win Yay Township, Dooplaya district, the area controlled by the KNU Brigade 6 in Karen State, was bombarded around 2:30 am on 6 October, according to the Karen National Union (KNU).

"Even though there was no actual conflict with local PDFs, they (the junta) bombed. There was an abbot and monks present in the monastery. All of the monks had to flee because it happened suddenly in the morning,” said a Win Yay Township resident.The assault resulted in the burning down of the monastery and the injury of a monk. People who live near the monastery had to flee for their life because they were afraid as well, according to the KNU.

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