Myanmar junta bomb Karen State village in fight with KNLA

Myanmar junta bomb Karen State village in fight with KNLA

The Military Council launched two air strikes on Balet Toe village and the Walle Myaing, KNU Brigade (6) controlled area in Myawaddy township, Karen State between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm on 10 November.

KNU’s Cobra Column reported that the Military Council force attacked their troops with Mi-35 helicopters based in Walle Myaing in the South Eastern Command (Mawlamyaing).

During the airstrike with helicopter, MPA ATR (42) type aircraft No. (0006) from the Mingaladon Air Force Base, flew to Lei Kay Kaw, Pha Lu, Min Let Pan, Thae Phyu Chaung, Lu Kho, Balet Toe, Thae Baw Boe villages, according to the KNU’s Cobra Column.

The troops under the Division (44) of the Military Council are being attacked by KNLA Battalion (27) Cobra Column, division Security Column Company (2), Federal Wings drone team and Yaung Ni drone team.

The Military Council troops fired 120-mm mortar shells during the battle on 10 November. The statement of the KNLA Battalion (27) Cobra Column said that despite the junta’s helicopter attacks, the joint defense forces have not retreated and are “fighting relentlessly” against the Military Council.

In addition, the drone units of the PDF joint forces are bombarding the junta troops. Cobra Column has announced that although Military Council troops have been killed, the exact number has not yet been confirmed, given the current battlefield conditions.

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