Myanmar Airforce fires on houses in Thailand

Myanmar Airforce fires on houses in Thailand

Bullets fired by Myanmar Air Force fighter jets attacking Thae Baw Bo Village in Myawaddy District hit houses across the border in Thailand on 1 July, according to Thai news agencies.

Thae Baw Bo Village is near to the Myanmar-Thai border in the Wale Myaing area of Karen (Kayin) State, just south of Myawaddy Township in territory controlled by Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 6.

During a junta airstrike that killed three Myanmar villagers from Thae Baw Bo Village machine gun fire from the aircraft hit houses on the Thai side of the border. It also hit a car in Thailand.

As well as firing machine guns and missiles into Thai territory, the Myanmar junta jets also flew into Thai airspace.

The Thai Government paid to repair the damage to the three houses caused by the junta bullets, according to locals.

The incident has caused the Thai Government to increase patrols by Thai fighter jets and soldiers along the border.

The airstrikes have so worried Thai residents living just across the border from Thae Baw Bo that they have fled their houses and sought shelter in Phop Phra Town in the south of Mae Sot District.

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