More drug rehab centers to be established in Mon State in the near future, say NMSP Committee member

More drug rehab centers to be established in Mon State in the near future, say NMSP Committee member

The New Mon State Party has established the first Rehabilitation Center in the Dawei to combat illicit drug abuse in Mon State. More centers are to be opened in various districts after evaluating the long-term accountability of this first center.

“The NMSP has … established a Rehabilitation Center in Dawei district first, and further evaluation [will] be undertaken of its sustainability. Then, more Rehab centers will be established in different districts,” said Nai Banyar Lei, a committee member of New Mon State Party (NMSP).

Nai Banyar Lei made the statement during the Mon National Youth Dialogue held at the NMSP’s Thaton District Headquarters in Kawkareik Township, Karen State on September 29th and 30th. The Youth Dialogue event was organized by the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Mon Unity Party (MUP) and the Mon Youth Forum (MYF).

Combating drug use has been a growing concern in Mon State. On June 26th, 2018, the Mon Youth Progressive Organization (MYPO) organized an International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. At the time, they reported that 73% of youth in Mon State had used drugs in the 2017-2018 time period.

The rehab center was created in 2018 after a Youth and Drug Forum took place at the Ko Yin Lay (temple) grounds in Ye Township. The center is operating through a collaborative effort of 45 members, including 15 monks, 15 civil society representatives and 15 members of the NMSP.

“NMSP has [passed] a law targeting illicit drug dealers. The most interesting about the law is that if anyone who lives in the NMSP controlled-areas and is found to be dealing drugs, — the entire family will be expelled from the area,” Nai Banyar Lei added.

Despite New Mon State Party efforts to educate against and regulate against narcotic drug, the number of users of methamphetamine pills and kratom leaves has been increasing.

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