Mongmit IDPs Need Aid

Mongmit IDPs Need Aid

More than three hundred civilians displaced by fighting in Mongmit Township over a month ago are in need of emergency assistance.

An aid worker helping the villagers, who were uprooted in November last year between allied Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defence Force (PDF) troops in northern Shan State against regime forces, told NMG that the main concern is to secure more food for them as supplies are running low.

“The locals continue to help them with food, clothes and even some money, but there are no big donors to help them,” he said.

They’re able to provide them with 40 cans of rice to the three camps every week and give them with some vegetables. He explained that 140 ethnic Lisu housed in a school in Thayet Taw village don’t have enough water.

“If we dig a well for them, it’s cost at least $1,452,” the source said, explaining that the nearest water source is about three miles away, so it would be expensive to lay a pipe to bring it to the camp.

Two hundred ethnic Ta’ang are staying at Yay Pon village and 30 ethnic Kachin at the Myoma Baptist Church in Mongmit town.

Although the fighting has stopped, soldiers still patrol around their villages, preventing civilians from returning home.

The KIA and the PDF fought the regime from the last week of November to the first week of December near villages of Hker Chi and Loi Mauk in Mongmit Township, also called Moe Meik.

At least one regime soldier was reportedly killed in the fighting. The other armed groups active in the township are the Ta’ ang National Liberation Army and the Shan State Progressive Party.

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