Alternative Mon Candidate Selected for Thanbyuzayat Township

Alternative Mon Candidate Selected for Thanbyuzayat Township
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Due to the poor standard of the candidates contesting the 2015 election for the Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representatives) in the Thanbyuzayat Township constituency a Mon People's Affairs candidate has been selected to run against them

Many thought that the Mon candidates selected to contest the seat by the Mon National Party (MNP) and the All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMDP) were not well enough qualified.

So, about 50 enterprises who work for various Mon national movements held discussions about choosing an alternative Mon candidate over three days at Mon Hall, in Thanbyuzayat Town. As a result of the meetings Nai Pan Maung was selected on 5 August to stand as the Mon People's Affairs candidate to better represent the Mon people

Ko Naing Linn, the spokesperson of the Mon People's Affairs selection committee said: “When we selected the candidate, we chose a person who is able to debate in the Hluttaw. That person must be at least a high school graduate and must be able to propose and insist on, the rights of Mon people. Based on such points, we chose our representative.”

An election observer from Thanbyuzayat Town, who did not want to reveal his name said: “Because there are three Mon candidates it doesn’t look as if one of them can win a majority in the Thanbyuzayat Township constituency. So, the more powerful parties are more likely to win."

The other Mon candidates are Mi Chaw Su Lat from the MNP and and Nai Than Shwe from the AMDP

As for the non ethnic parties The Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) has selected U Aung Than Oo as their candidate and the National League for Democracy (NLD) has selected U Nyan Hein as their candidate.

In the 2010 elections Nai Thein Aung from the AMDP was elected to the Pyithu Hluttawas as the Thanbyuzayat Township representative.


Edited in English by Mark Inkey for BNI

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