Mon State Federal Council urged to Fight Together for Self-Determination to build a Federal Union

Mon State Federal Council urged to Fight Together for Self-Determination to build a Federal Union

The Mon State Federal Council (MSFC), which has been expanded and changed from the former Mon State Interim Coordinating Committee (MSICC), is now urging the Mon people to join together and fight against military dictatorship and its tyranny.  MSFC is calling for the right to self-determination and a federal union.

The announcement was made after its first conference held on January 22, 2023.

The Council issued a  statement saying it would work together with other ethnic,  democratic, and revolutionary forces to establish a federal democratic union.

“In order for a federal democratic union and a federal democratic government to take place, the federal unit in each state must strengthen state governments. If the implementation of federalism at the state level is weak, that translates into a weak federal democratic union. Since the coup, the people, particularly Karenni people have been putting up signs in every village saying ‘self-reliant local government’. We believe that there are many villages in Mon township that are working towards ‘self-help local government’. I also believe that there are many areas where the State Administrative Councils (SAC) administrative operations cannot operate. Therefore, the role of political leadership is very important and we need to show practical political leadership in areas that are no longer governed by SAC,”  said Mrs. Alvarin of the Karenni State Consultative Council - KSCC.

After the military coup, the MSICC was formed to fight against all tyranny, including the military dictatorship. Under the current political situation, MSICC was transformed into MSFC due to the need for a state federal unit organization that represents the people of Mon State.

The  MSFC conference approved its constitution, and three interim legislative measures to be exercised within Monland. The Mon State Federal Council is composed of 25 councilors elected by individual private representatives.

The Council also announced that in order to unite the forces of the Mon State (region) against the dictatorship during the revolutionary period, there must be organizing efforts amongst  all revolutionary forces to participate in anti-dictatorship activities, and to adhere to the legislative powers of the MSFC.

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