Mon State attracted 28 million domestic and international travelers in 2019

Mon State attracted 28 million domestic and international travelers in 2019

In 2019, an estimated 28 million international and domestic tourists visited Mon state, according to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.

Thai tourists took first place while Vietnamese and Japanese ranked second and third respectively.

According to the Mon state Directorate of Hotels and Tourism, there were 2,634,950 domestic tourists and 177,306 international tourists in 2019, which is 824,000 more tourists compared to 2018.

There were 1,794,306 domestic tourists and 1, 93,614 international tourists in 2018.

Major tourist attractions include, Kyaik Htee Yo Pagoda and other historic and cultural temples, Mawlamyine City, Be Lu Island, Kayan Cave in Kyaik Ma Yaw Township, well-known places in Thanphyuzayat Township, Kyaik Ka Mi, Set-Se Beach, Kabya Wa Beach, PayaTaung Pin Le Wa Beach in Ye Township.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has also removed tourist restrictions from a number of sites resulting in increased tourist destinations. These include the Kyauk Ta Kar and Kyaukpi Pagodas in Melan Village, Kay Ta La Mountain in Taunggyi Village in Belin Township, Mya Tha Pake Pagoda in Nan Ke War, Thaton Township, Wekale hot spring, Pan Nga Salt Fields, the Death Railway Museum, the Alliance War Cemetery, the Kyauk Ka Mi Ye Le Pagoda, and Set-Se Beach in Than Phyu Za Yet Town.

There are nine travel agencies, 36 hotels, 22 motels in Mon State. In total, 2059 rooms are available, according to Mon State Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.

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