Mon political and armed groups strongly condemns the Air Force attack on KIO anniversary

Mon political and armed groups strongly condemns the Air Force attack on KIO anniversary

The Mon State Interim Coordinating Committee (MSICC) issued a statement strongly condemning the Military Council’s Air Force jets’ aerial bombardment on the 62nd anniversary celebrations of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) in the Hpakant region on October 23, which caused mass killings..


The bombing attack on the ethnic people by fighter jets is a crime against humanity and a war crime, that violates international human rights law, and MSICC strongly condemns this action, the statement said.


“The actions of the Military Council can be considered as targeting and attacking the innocent and ethnic people.The Military Council doesn't follow the international laws and rules of war. The international community already knows that the terrorist Military Council has repeatedly committed war crimes”, U Naing Kaung Ywut, a leader of MSICC as well as the deputy defence minister of the National Unity Government (NUG), told Independent Mon News Agency.

The United Nations has called for action against the fighter pilots who brutally bombed the Kachin people. Meanwhile other political bodies: the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), NUG and international governments have also condemned the terrorist act of the Military Council.


Furthermore, the Mon State Defence Force – South, a Mon ethnic armed group has urged all the ethnic people to fight against the Junta, until the military dictatorship is completely toppled.The Mon State Defence Force-South, has urged all ethnic peoples to fight against the military dictator as long as the military dictatorship is in place.


KIO was established in 1960 with the purposes of the liberation of the Kachin people, national equality and federalism. In 1993, a cease-fire deal was signed with the former Military Regime, but in 2011, during the administration of President U Thein Sein, the deal became invalid. KIO became a main organization that trained the Bama youths in People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) and provided support for the armed resistance since the rise of Spring Revolution.

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