Mon new armed forces join eradication of military dictatorship

Mon new armed forces join eradication of military dictatorship

Following the return of military coup in Myanmar, the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs), which includes majority of Mon and some mixed-race Mon people, have emerged throughout Mon State.

The Mon State Defense Force (MSDF), comprised of ethnic groups from Mon State, was founded on September 16, last year, and similarly, the Mon State Revolutionary Organization (MRSO) was formed in November.

The Mon National Liberation Army (M.L.A), a new Mon ethnic armed group, was organized this year on September 23.

These resistance forces have vowed to crack down on the military regime, the common enemy, and share the same goals of eradicating the military dictatorship and restoring people’s power as other PDFs in various Mon regions.

On the other hand, the establishment of a self-administered Mon State and the building of a genuine and peaceful federal union are the main goals of the Mon ethnic group and the armed forces representing Mon State.

“The NLD alone cannot bring about the formation of a genuine and peaceful federal union that the people wanted, and we must continue to struggle for the establishment of Mon State,” Nai Nagar, the spokesperson for the Mon State Defense Force (MSDF-South) told Than Lwin Times.

The Mon State Defense Force (MSDF)’s North Regional Organizing Committee is providing basic military training to its comrades, while the MSDF-South is waging battles to root out junta forces in addition to providing training.

Since its inception, the Mon State Revolutionary Organization (MRSO) has been targeting the junta’s stooges – police stations, military convoys, and outposts.

The Mon National Liberation Army (M.L.A.) is currently providing basic military training to comrades for intake-1 and is seeking additional recruits for the next training.

Following the military coup, at least 40 armed forces emerged in Mon State, particularly in Ye Township, where there are Mon ethnic armed forces.

On the other hand, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the only armed group that has fully earned the trust of the Mon ethnic people, has adhered to the path of engagement with the military council since the coup until the present day.

The NMSP participated in the peace talks invited by the coup leader, General Min Aung Hlaing, twice this year, along with other NCA-signatories.

Nai Nagar said he will make efforts in various ways in order to make history by showing that Mon people personally participated in this revolution and by making sure people join together for a strong resistance force.

In addition, Nai Nagar pointed out that in the future, being a Mon ethnic armed organization that benefits the Mon state and the Mon people, which represents the Mon people with the full support of the people, such as AA, is completely dependent on the Mon people.

Ethnic affairs expert Dr. Pyinnyar Mon told Than Times in early November that long-term progress can only be achieved if the armed forces representing the entire Mon ethnic group are qualified in terms of leadership, administration, military, financial sector, relations and mobilization.

The People’s Defense Forces are currently launching frequent targeted attacks on the regime soldiers in Ye Township of Mon State.

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