Mon Community agency cooperates with Mon Youth to combat illegal drug use in Ye Tsp

Mon Community agency cooperates with Mon Youth to combat illegal drug use in Ye Tsp

The Mon Area Community Development Organization (MACDO) and a youth network organized an anti-narcotics march in Ye Township this morning. The youth carried numerous signs.

The key messages included, “Take action against drug dealers violating the law” “Help to rebuild young people’s future” “Do not let drugs harm peace” “Let’s help alleviate the danger of drugs.”

“Around 200 youth carried signs and marched alongside motorbikes in the morning,” Nai Sa-han, a Director of MACDO-Mon Area Community Development Organization.

In the evening, organizers hosted an event with speeches from the General Administration Department of Ye Township, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), and police officials from the special anti-narcotics task force. The event also included a debate and a Mon traditional dance performance.

Min Khit Thit from the Mon Youth Network noted that organizing anti-drug campaigns will encourage local people to be more aware of the dangers of drugs.

“Even women have started using drugs in our community. Although there is a punishment for those who use illegal drugs, a rehabilitation program is not yet available.” Min Khit Thit added.

The construction of a drug rehabilitation center through the support of Mon monks, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and the New Mon State Party (NMSP) is not yet ready to open.

At the 55th anniversary of Myanmar Police Force Day held on October 1st, Chief Minister Dr. Aye Zan stated that all sectors including the police, respectful organizations and departments and community people should collaborate in dealing with the rising problem of illegal drug use.

According to the figures released by the Mon State Police Force, there were 327 drug related-cases from January 1st to September 25th of 2019, and there were 434 drug cases in 2018.

The Mon Area Community Development Organization has been conducting an anti-drug use education program focused on high school students in Ye township since 2017.

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