Mon Affair Union to be implemented under a new format

Mon Affair Union to be implemented under a new format
MAU meeting (Photo: Sunthorn Sripanngern)
MAU meeting (Photo: Sunthorn Sripanngern)

The New Mon State Party (NMSP)’s central executive committee member Nai Win Hla said the inactive Mon Affair Union (MAU) will be implemented under a new format.

“There is a group established by the NMSP to build national solidarity. This group has been established to implement the decision of the 2016 Conference, which was held in Kaw Paw Law Village. The former MAU will be revised since everyone couldn’t participate. We have asked the Mon Political Advisory Committee to join this union,” said Nai Win Hla.

During a meeting between the Mon Political Advisory Group established by the Second Mon Political Conference and the NMSP leaders in Wel Zin Camp in the NMSP-controlled area on June 24, the NMSP asked the Mon Political Advisory Committee to join the MAU implementation group, according to him.

“The NMSP hasn’t asked us officially to participate in the reformed MAU, but we, the All Mon Regional Democracy Party, support all-inclusiveness. We desire it. But, we haven’t made any preparations on how to organize it,” said Nai Chan Toi, vice-chair of the All Mon Region Democracy Party (AMRDP).

The NMSP, local Mon political parties, Mon organizations from abroad and Thai border, Thai Mon organizations, and Mon civil society organizations established the MAU during the Mon National Convention, which was held at the NMSP-controlled area in 2004.

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