Military Junta's Mortar Fire Injures One Civilian, Damages Three Houses in Thaton Township

Military Junta's Mortar Fire Injures One Civilian, Damages Three Houses in Thaton Township

In Mon State, Thaton Township, within the administrative area of the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 1, one civilian was injured and three houses were damaged due to mortar shells fired by the military junta.

According to the KNU Center, at least 11 mortar shells were fired by the military junta's 314th Infantry Battalion into residential areas on November 3rd, from around 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Two of the shells exploded in Tattookome village and 48-year-old U Moe Aung, was struck by shrapnel all over his body.

In addition, three houses, including that of U Moe Aung, were damaged.

On November 3, starting at 2:00 p.m., the military junta's battalion fired five mortar shells that exploded in nearby villages, according to the KNU.

The military junta based in Thaton Township is intentionally firing mortar shells into residential villages, causing local residents to fear for their lives. The KNU said these are  frequent incidents forcing  people to flee the area.

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