Liaison office of Mon Peace Defense Force attacked by drone

Liaison office of Mon Peace Defense Force attacked by drone

The liaison office of Mon Peace Defense Force situated near Wethonchaung village, Panga road in Mon State’s Thanbyuzayat Township was attacked by around 8 pm on January 16, the locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

An unidentified armed group launched an attack on the liaison office of the Mon Peace Defense Force with a drone.

There were no injuries to the Mon Peace Defense Forces, but some parts of the building were damaged.

The officials of Mon Peace Defense Force did not respond to Than Lwin Times’s queries on the matter of the drone attack on the liaison office.

The Mon Peace Defense Force surrendered to the Southeast Regional Military Command on October 10, 2010 after breaking away from the New Mon State Party.

On October 10 of last year, 12 years after joining the Military Council, the Mon Peace Defense Force announced that it had transformed into the junta’s militia.

Brigadier General Nai Aung Tun serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Mon Peace Defense Force.

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