Landmine blast injures villager in Yebyu

Landmine blast injures villager in Yebyu

In the late afternoon of  February 29, 2020, a local villager from what is known locally as the Ka Lae village, Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division suffered injuries from a landmine blast.

The victim, 26-year-old Min Seik Lwin was riding a motorcycle to his plantation to investigate a fire. The front wheel of his bike came into contact with a landmine that exploded, and he suffered injuries to his right arm.

“The plantation nearby his, was on fire and he rushed there to stop the fire. He stepped on a landmine planted in the lane to his plantation and got a small injury in his arm. The front wheel of his bike was totally destroyed,” said the victim’s mother.\

Min Seik Lwin was taken for medical treatment and his condition has improved, though he is currently unable to work.

On March 1, 2020, landmines were discovered  on a lane between the Taw Lawi and Ka Lae villages, according to the Yar Phu village track Administrator, U Khin Maung Oo.

Currently  villagers are afraid of going to their plantations along this laneway.

“We don’t know who set up the landmines. In the past, both parties (the NMSP – New Mon State Party and the KNU – Karen National Union) have been responsible for landmine blasts,” said the Administrator.

In order to avoid future incidents, officials from the NMSP and the KNU will have a meeting on March 9, reported the Administrator.

Ka Lae village is mostly inhabited by Mon plantation owners and workers. There are  20 houses hosting a population of approximately 100 people.

In 2018 and 2019, there were approximately 8 landmine blasts in Yebyu Township resulting in injuries to  local villagers.

This article was first published by HURFOM

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