Lack of regional stability hinders the dispatch of materials for polling booths in Paletwa

Lack of regional stability hinders the dispatch of materials for polling booths in Paletwa
by -
Salai Clian (CW)

The election sub-commission reports that election materials for polling booths in Paletwa Township in Chin State have not been delivered owing to lack of security by road according to the Chin State Election Sub-Commission.

U Kyaw Lin, Secretary of the Chin State Election Sub-Commission, confirmed the same materials have already arrived at the other eight townships apart from Paletwa Township. The election sub-commission plans to coordinate with the Tatmadaw (army) to arrange the dispatch of these materials by helicopter if it is unable to send them by road.

The sub-commission will report it to the UEC.

“The sub-commission is working to dispatch these materials to all townships before the end of October,” he said.

The sub-commission plans to open 176 polling booths in Paletwa Township. Local authorities are placing special attention to improving security in Paletwa Township.

The Secretary of the Chin State Election Sub-Commission added that , “Most of those who will perform duties at the polling booths are teachers. We need to invite teachers from other areas as the current number of staff is not enough. The sub-commission will choose the voters included in the lists and assign all the duties to the local polling booth staff, if the teachers from other areas find it too difficult to come to Paletwa given both the unrest and COVID-19.”

The Paletwa Township Election Sub-Commission is making coordination with the relevant administrative bodies on the opening of polling booths in Paletwa Township.

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