KNU urges unrestricted access of humanitarian aid to cyclone-affected communities

KNU urges unrestricted access of humanitarian aid to cyclone-affected communities

KNU also  sends heartfelt condolences to the  Rohingya people for all those who lost their lives to Cyclone Mocha

The Karen National Union (KNU) has demanded that the Military Junta should grant unrestricted access to United Nations affiliated organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and other civil organizations aiming to offer assistance to the individuals severely impacted by Cyclone Mocha in Rakhine State.

KNU released a statement on May 21st, emphasizing the necessity of offering utmost assistance to those affected by the cyclone disaster that took place between May 13th and 15th. KNU's statement further conveyed its heartfelt condolences to the civilians and Rohingya people (in the refugee camps) who tragically lost their lives as a result of Cyclone Mocha. Additionally, KNU expressed sympathy towards individuals who have suffered property losses due to the cyclone.

According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), Cyclone Mocha, which made landfall on the Rakhine coast near Sittwe Township, resulted in the impact on approximately 5.4 million individuals across Rakhine and Chin States, as well as Sagaing Region.

While the official death count stands at 145 many international organizations fear that hundreds more perished in the Rohingya camps where they were trapped by the Junta refusal to allow them any opportunity to escape from cyclone disaster.  

As Wai Wai Nu told the UN, aid should be freely distributed to communities in need, and the control should not be left to the whims of the generals, in essence the same generals, she points out, who oversaw the Cyclone Nargis aid debacle.

The United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) is taking the lead in collaboration with international organizations, NGOs, INGOs, and local social welfare organizations to provide assistance to the individuals affected by the storm in Rakhine State.

KNU has extended its commitment to providing extensive support and assistance while expressing congratulations to ULA/AA for its steadfast dedication to the well-being of the people.

KNU spokesperson Saw Kler Say told KIC. ". The KNU  demands the regime allows unhindered aid activities. These individuals are already enduring numerous hardships and struggling with their livelihoods due to the military coup. KNU also recommends that the Military Council refrain from impeding rescue and reconstruction efforts in order to address the urgent needs of the affected population.”

KNU also calls upon all relevant authorities, including the People's Government of Rakhine State, to unite and collaborate in overcoming the existing challenges, even in the presence of differing opinions, to ensure the provision of effective assistance to those currently facing hardships and difficulties.

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