KNU says no to census whilst no clear governance in Myanmar

KNU says no to census whilst no clear governance in Myanmar

The Karen National Union (KNU) spokesperson, Padoh Saw Kler Say, said the junta should not carry out a census whilst most of Myanmar is under the control of revolutionary forces.

Currently, the junta only fully controls Yangon and Ayeyarwady regions. Ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) and People Defence Forces (PDFs) control territory in all of the other states and regions in the country.

Padoh Saw Kler Say said: “Given the current circumstances, I believe it's inappropriate to conduct a census. The reason is that it should not be conducted when there is no clear governance process in the country. It is not accepted by anyone, including any ethnic group or revolutionary forces. Since we, the revolutionary forces, control many areas, it will be impossible.”

The United Nations (UN) helped with the last Myanmar census in 2014 and the junta is hoping that it will help with the upcoming census, because it believes that UN participation in the census would give the junta some legitimacy amongst the international community.

On 26 September 2024, the junta announced that it has to carry out the census so that it can compile voter lists for the junta managed elections planned for 2025.

The population and housing census is due to take place from 1 to 15 October 2024. Junta-aligned media reported that the junta leaders are urging people who fled their homes due to the recent flooding in mid-September, to promptly return to their homes so that they can take part in the census.

Most revolutionary forces have said they will not recognise the census or participate in it as they regard it as illegitimate.

The last census held in Myanmar was in 2014. Prior to that, it had not held a census for over 30 years, due to various reasons. Before 2014 the last censuses were held in 1983 and 1973. In 1973 the population of Myanmar was 28, 912,000, by 2014 it was 51,419,420.

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