KNU Myeik / Dawei District Chair Transferred to Pado Saw Phalo Soe Win (b) Pado Saw Win Khaing

KNU Myeik / Dawei District Chair Transferred to Pado Saw Phalo Soe Win (b) Pado Saw Win Khaing

The 19th Congress of the KNU Brigade 4 was held from 11 to 14 January 2022 in Amalatha Village, Myeik / Dawei District Office.  At the Congress, the Karen National Union ( KNU) appointed Pado Saw Phalo Soe Win (b) Pado Saw Win Khaing as the Chair of the 4th Brigade in Myeik / Dawei District.

Pado Saw Win Khaing was in charge of the liaison office in Myeik / Dawei District.  

Vice-Chairman Brigadier General Saw Mula, Secretary Pado Saw Anna, Joint Secretary Pado Saw Bo Bo Khin Maung and Judge Pado Saw Thu Ye were all elected, as were (9) members of the Executive Committee and (18) members of the District Committee.  That makes for a total of (27) members.

A total of 93 people from four townships and two special areas in Beit Dawei district attended the 19th Congress.

Similarly, events have been held in the remaining districts / brigades, and the Central Congress of the Karen National Union (KNU) will be convened in February 2022.

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