KNU: Military Coup Nullifies Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement

KNU: Military Coup Nullifies Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement

Padoh Saw Tar Doh Moo, the General Secretary of the Karen National Union (KNU), stated that the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) has been rendered null and void, as a result of the military's coup.

This statement was made during a press conference discussing the initiatives undertaken during the the 17th Congress of the KNU, which was convened on August 10. "We have no reason to follow the NCA anymore. The military has trampled upon and destroyed Chapter 1 of the agreement, which is the heart of the entire NCA. Without Chapter 1, the whole agreement doesn't make sense. Therefore, I want to say that using the NCA to deceive the international community or the publichas no relevance for us," clarified Padoh Saw Tar Doh Moo.

Padoh Saw Tar Doh Moo reaffirmed that KNU remains committed to achieving justice, equality, and self-determination for the Karen people. He also highlighted their ongoing efforts to establish a nationwide federal democratic system.

He emphasized that following the removal of the military coup, KNU will work towards forming a Kawthoolei federal unit, that embodies the principles of the federal democratic system and self-determination.

The KNU emphasized during a press conference that a key step toward achieving democracy is to ensure the military's exclusion from politics. The organization outlined four core political objectives:

First: to establish a non-political military, uninvolved in Myanmar's political landscape.

Second: to formulate a fresh federal democratic constitution.

Third: to enact measures for transitional justice.

Fourth: to collaborate internationally throughout the process of nation-building.

The KNU press conference, held online on August 10, discussed the actions taken in the first 100 days after the 17th Congress and outlined the main priorities for the next 4 years. The press conference provided clarity on the 17th Congress- its political stance and future plans, covering areas of governance as the military, organizational reforms, empowering women's leadership, public services, education, alliances and international relations, and humanitarian concerns.

After the military coup, KNU's military actions enabled operations on the northern bank of the Sittaung River, the southern Ye-Dawei highway, and the Thaton-Bilin-Kyaikto highway. Notably we expanded control over additional territories and the capture of several Military Council camps were reported by Brigadier General Saw Tamla Thaw, Chief of Staff (G1) of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), during a press conference.

October 15, 2015, marked the signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) between the Myanmar government under U Thein Sein and various ethnic armed organizations. The Karen National Union (KNU) was one of the 10 ethnic armed organizations that signed the agreement.

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