KNU Central Committee holds annual meeting

KNU Central Committee holds annual meeting

The Karen National Union (KNU) Central Permanent Committee’s 3rd annual meeting commenced on July 22, 2019 in Lah-Wa area, Hpa An District, Karen State.

The two-week meeting will address issues related to politics, administration, and ceasefire strengthening, and it will be extended if needed. The KNU hopes to clarify any misunderstandings within the KNU.

A discussion of the peace process approach and cooperating with the Ethnic Armed Organization (EAO) is also on the meeting agenda. A decision will be made as to whether or not to suspend the KNU’s participation in the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), a group launched by the leaders of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) participant groups.‎

General Secretary of the Karen National Union (KNU) Padoh Saw Ta Doh Moo advocates for leaving the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) and establishing a new Peace Process Consultative Meeting (PPCM) group that includes both signatory and non-signatory groups of the NCA.

The PPST was established to implement the NCA. Both the government and Tatmadaw (Myanmar army) have acknowledged the PPST. Therefore, some leaders of groups that have entered into the NCA brought up concerns that the government and Tatmadaw may not accept a PPCM if it also includes non-signatory groups.

The eight NCA-signatories founded PPST. At the moment, Lt-Gen Yawd Serk, chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) is substituting as acting leader of the PPST for general Padoh Saw Ta Doh Moo.

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