KNLA-led revolutionary joint forces claim over 40 junta troops killed or Wounded -Taung Sun battle in Karen state

KNLA-led revolutionary joint forces claim over 40 junta troops killed or Wounded -Taung Sun battle in Karen state

More than 40 Military Council troops were killed or wounded after heavy fighting broke out with the revolutionary joint forces in Win Yay (Waw Ray) township in Karen National Union (KNU)’s Dooplaya district, according to the anti-coup fighters.

On January 1st,revolutionary joint forces led by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), attacked the Military Council troops stationed in the hilly area where the Taung Sun monastery is located in Taung Sun village. In that operation, more than half of the Military Council’s camp was burned down, but the revolutionary forces had to retreat when air support arrived.

Ko Nghet Me, the deputy platoon leader of the revolutionary joint forces, said, “ We captured two BGF (Border Guard Forces) outposts near the Taung Sun military camp. After that we were able to attack more than half of the remaining Military Council main camp. When their side suffered too many casualties, they called in air support and continuously bombarded us, so we retreated. We witnessed a lot of casualties on their side, and some of their weapons and ammunition were seized”.

In the Battle of Taung Sun, the KNLA-led resistance force also lost 5 members and injured at least 10. On January 4th, about 100 Military Council reinforcements marched from the A Nang Kwin tactical command centre west of Taung Sun village. The revolutionary forces intercepted and attacked, causing further casualties to the regime forces and more weapons were also confiscated.

As a result of the fighting, more than 3000 residents of the villages of Taung Sun, Sin Pyay, Kyauk Balu, Win Khana, Than Pa Yar, A Nang Kwin and Khon Khan have been force to flee and are in urgent need of food and medical aid, said those helping the displaced people.

Furthermore, the Military Council conducted a total of 25 airstrikes daily between January 1st and 4th, resulting in the destruction of religious buildings and 10 residential houses. Betel nut ,rubber plantations and many orchards were damaged.

On January 4th, which is Myanmar’ s Independence Day, the KNLA and joint forces raided 3 camps of the Military Council’s 283rd, 284th and 32nd Infantry Divisions in Kyain Seik Gyi township, Karen state.

In that operation the revolutionary forces were able to break into the compound of the army camps and set some military buildings on fire.

However the Military Council’s war planes made at least 6 bombing runs, killing 4 revolutionary soldiers.

The joint forces claimed that nearly 30 Military Council soldiers were killed, arms and Ammunition were captured in those clashes and some a number of soldiers were captured, but the KIC could not independently able to confirm this.

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