KNLA joint forces occupy junta’s Theerohtar military base in Hpapun District

KNLA joint forces occupy junta’s Theerohtar military base in Hpapun District

Three military camps in the Hpapun District of Brigade 5 area were simultaneously attacked by KNLA joint forces, and one camp was occupied, according to the Karen National Union (KNU).

The combined force of Karen National Liberation Army (KNA) Brigade 5 attacked the Leto, Khawpu and Theerohta camps, which are important bases for the military council, in the area of the KNU’s Brigade 5 starting early in the morning of December 6.

There were casualties on both sides in the raid on the Theerohtar junta camp, and the regime conducted aerial bombardment after the incident, said the sources.

The KNU Brigade in Muttaw District has not yet responded to Than Lwin Times’ query about the fighting situation.

Meanwhile, the military regime bombed the Pawhta village in Hpapun District’s Buutho Twon on December 7, killing livestock animals but not harming civilians, the Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) said.

At a time when fighting was not taking place, the military council’s airstrikes deliberately targeted civilians, and such incidents have increased more than before, the KWO reported.

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