KNDP Party Submits Registration Application to Election Commission

KNDP Party Submits Registration Application to Election Commission

On March 23, the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP), based in Hpa-An, applied for party registration to the Union Election Commission established by the Military Council to allow their party to continue, according to a state newspaper controlled by the Military Council.

Under Section 25 of the Political Parties Registration Law, the KNDP party can file an objection to the Election Commission with valid evidence within 7 days from the date of publication of the name, flag and logo of the party that will be re-registered and used.

“The re-registration is based on the belief that Karen should have a registered party. No matter what the government is, the Karen party must be there. The KNDP aims to provide a political voice for the Karen people,” KNDP Chairman Mahn Aung Pyi Soe told KIC on March 25.

He mentioned that the Karen people did not have their own political party during the successive political eras of Myanmar. As a result they collaborated with other parties and acted as political followers. Their stance was not to support, or oppose any groups on the political stage. However, they wished for the party to continue to exist so that the Karen could exercise their own ideas and decision-making rights.

However Saw Phut Yaung He, a Karen national political activist,is not impressed by their arguments.

He told KIC, “We need Karen parties that can take a clear stand for Karen nationalism. At a time when the military council is oppressing the entire nation, their participation in the upcoming election is like recognizing the military regime. If they only see the interests of their group . rather than Karen’s interests, it would be sad if they participate in the election in the name of Karen.”

On January 26, the Military Council amended the Political Parties Registration Law, which stated that political parties that wished to continue their operations needed to re- apply for party registration to the Election Commission within 60 days of the date of publication. The deadline for re-application was set for March 28.

The Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP) fielded candidates in the 2020 general election, but failed to secure any seats. The party leadership stated that they will only participate at the state level due to the policies of the political party law in the general election planned to be held under the leadership of the Military Council.

Both the Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP) and the Karen National Democratic Party (KNDP), based in Karen State, have registered with the commission to re-establish their respective parties.

The Karen People’s Party (KPP), headquartered in Yangon Region, has not yet informed its members about the re-registration of the party. However, the party’ s chairperson, Saw Tun Aung Myint, is currently serving in a union-level position under the Military Council, so that there is a strong likelihood of the party being re-registered, according to Karen political analysts.

The Karen National Party (KNP), which has its headquarters in Ayeyarwady and Yangon regions, has not yet made any public announcements regarding their registration status.

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