KNDO Commander-in-Chief Calls for Unified Efforts to Expedite Achievement of Expected Goal

KNDO Commander-in-Chief Calls for Unified Efforts to Expedite Achievement of Expected Goal

Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay, the Commander-in-Chief of the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), urged for collective effort towards the growth of their organization, as an integral part of the Karen nation. "If we don't unite and work together, our enemy the Military Council will break us apart. Let us join forces and work together to enhance our organization," he urged at the ceremony.

The ceremony marked the 76th anniversary of KNDO and took place at its headquarters on July 16, where Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay, as the Commander-in-Chief, called upon the entire Karen nation to actively participate in the organization's development, emphasizing the need for swift progress towards the people's aspirations.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay stressed that it is crucial to follow the Karen National Union (KNU) guidelines in the ongoing Karen revolution. He warned that giving up or discrediting the organization would greatly hinder their goal achievement.

The 76th anniversary celebration of KNDO was attended by notable individuals, including KNU Joint Secretary 2 Padoh Saw Hla Tun, veteran revolutionary leader Padoh Saw Thamein Tun, and KNDO Commander-in-Chief Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay. Around 300 defense force members, young students, and Karen people also participated in the event.

"KNDO, although compelled to withdraw from the Battle of Insein due to insufficient weapons and ammunition, was an organization that fired the first bullet in the Karen revolution. As a young Karen, I am delighted to participate in and pay tribute to the 76th anniversary of KNDO, which was formally established under our own Karen organization," a young person who attended the ceremony told KIC.

Following the speech delivered by KNDO Commander-in-Chief Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay on the occasion of the 76th KNDO Day, the attending leaders discussed the origins of KNDO Day and expressed gratitude towards the participants. Additionally, messages sent to the ceremony were read aloud by Karen youth, and the young students joined in the festivities by singing and dancing to commemorate the occasion.

Following Myanmar's independence, the Karen people peacefully protested the AFPFL government, seeking the establishment of a Karen state. However, their demands were not accepted.


In response, the Karen leaders established the KNDO with three primary objectives: making necessary preparations for potential armed conflict, safeguarding the lives of the entire Karen nation, and achieving greater success through armed organization in their campaign.

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