KIA launches attack on Lisu militia camp in Kachin State

KIA launches attack on Lisu militia camp in Kachin State

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Third Battalion launched an attack on a Lisu militia camp located in Wuyang Village, Waingmaw Township, Kachin State on the morning of 28 July, according to local people.

The fighting reportedly lasted for nearly an hour.

“I woke to the sound of gunshots. The noise of gunshots are constant. Heavy weaponry can also be heard nearby. Since we live in Wuyang village, we can clearly hear a lot of gunfire,” a local from Wuyang  village told Mizzima.

The combat broke out suddenly in the early morning of 28 July in the village and some houses near the scene of the combat were damaged, but the exact details are not yet known, according to the local


Some local residents said that due to the KIA 3rd Battalion attacks with bombs and artillery into the Lisu local militia camp, there could be damage inside the camp, but Mizzima is still investigating.

An eye witness said that the junta’s Northern Military command has recently sent more Military Council forces to Waingmaw Township in response to the attack on the militia camp, and there are a significant numbers of Military Council personnel within the Lisu militia camp.

The fighting is a response by the KIA as the joint junta-militia forces began to attack Nanzaw village, Wakngmaw Township which is in a KIA 3rd Battalion-controlled area.

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