KIA eradicates nearly 100 acres of poppy fields in Putao

KIA eradicates nearly 100 acres of poppy fields in Putao

According to officials from the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO/KIA), the KIO/KIA has destroyed nearly 100 acres of poppy fields that were located in areas near the military council’s military base in Putao district.

An officer from the KIO who took part in the operation to clear the poppy fields stated that the destruction of the poppy crops occurred in late February of this year.

A member of the KIO anti-narcotics committee said, “ The current situation is that we do not permit opium to be grown in areas close to the KIA, but we see a lot of people growing in places close to Putao city and the Military Council’s area. And when the Military Council hears the news that the anti-opium campaign is heading in their direction, then they change their military location.

It may be that they are protecting these poppy plantations.

“ In February of this year, the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) directed the Kachin People’s anti-drug organization Pat Jasan and local committees to collaborate in clearing and destroying almost 100 acres of poppy plantations located in Putao district.

According to a KIO official, the primary reason for the destruction of opium plantations is the surge in the use of heroin which is derived from “cooking” opium with precursor chemicals.

Pure opium is legally grown in many countries as a major source of pain-killing drugs such as morphine, when it is officially supervised by health authorities, as opposed to its use to make

heroin for the black-market.

Before the military coup, the rate of drug use in Kachin state was higher than in other states and regions, but the residents said that it has worsened after the coup.


Both children over 10 years of age and adults, including women and men, have been reported to be using drugs in Kachin state, with over 80 out of 100 people being affected.

“ It has become very bad regarding the use of opium along the Irrawaddy River in Putao area.

The use of both white and black opium is very high among young people. About 80 out of 100 are drug users. Therefore, it is becoming a concern for our generation as well,”  said the KIO official.

The Kachin Independence Organization (KIO/KIA) and its anti-narcotics committees have been conducting anti-opium operations, educational lectures and implementing effective measures to prevent cultivation in areas within their control. However the KIO alleges that there are still numerous opium plants in regions where the Military Council troops are active.

A KIO official assigned to Putao district said, “ Poppy cultivation has increased since the Military Council took power. The poppy fields can be seen from the Putao-Sumprabum-Myitkyina Highway, particularly along the Sumpyi Yang road. Some people even grow the poppy crops in their own backyards.”

Those involved in the anti-narcotics operation said that mustard seed, which produces mustard oil, and potato seed were provided as alternative crops for poppy plantation owners in Putao district, whose crops were destroyed in February.

As of 2023, there has been an increase in poppy cultivation in Putao district, as well as in the Longsha Yang, Tanja, and Sumpyi Yang regions. Earlier this year, the KIO also destroyed poppy plantations in the Tanai (also known as Danai) and Sumprabum regions.

Following the 2021 coup, the political situation in Kachin state has made it difficult for the Kachin People’s anti-drug organization Pat Jasan to conduct effective anti-drug operations.

Observers suggest that as a result, the number of drug users in the state has increased even more than before the coup.

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