Karenni State Govt Needs to Implement Existing Ceasefire, KNPP Says

Karenni State Govt Needs to Implement Existing Ceasefire, KNPP Says

MAW OO MYAR — Following a meeting with the Karenni State government, members of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) say that the government needs to respect a state-level ceasefire agreement and implement it.

The KNPP stated its position after the meeting in the Karenni State capital of Loikaw on March 3.

“Current regional development projects differ from what we have agreed to in the ceasefire agreement. We want them to respect the ceasefire agreement and to implement the facts included in the agreement,” Khu Hte Buu, the leader of the five-person KNPP delegation to the government meeting, said. “Then it will make the peace process firm. It could be a catalyst in moving the peace process forward.”

A problem with the meeting, Khu Hte Buu said, was that it was not attended by any of the Karenni State ministers—only 13 secretary-level officers.

Only after the government shows that it will adhere to the ceasefire, signed in 2012, will the KNPP be able to “step up to the next level of mutual trust,” Khu Hte Buu explained.

Tuesday’s meeting was the first between the KNPP and the Karenni State government in 2020.

The KNPP previously signed state- and Union-level ceasefire agreements with the government, but the organization has not signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with the government and military.

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