Junta’s human rights violations worsen in Karen State

Junta’s human rights violations worsen in Karen State

The military regime’s human rights violations against civilians in Karen State are getting worse day by day, the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) and the Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) said in their joint-statement released on December 10, International Human Rights Day.

There were 2,999 cases of human rights violations perpetrated by the military regime against civilians in the two years from 2021 to 2022, and 153 civilians were killed, including 30 women, the KWO reported.

As a result of the military’s human rights violations, 276 civilians were injured, 117 of whom were women.

Since February 2021, the military has committed 447 acts of looting and torched at least 171 houses. The actual number may higher because numerous human rights crimes have gone underreported.

The spokesperson for KHRG, Saw Nanda Hsue said, “In Karen State, the military regime committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. Our human rights are being violated severely, and the junta is attempting to crush our human dignity.”

Naw Knyaw Paw, General Secretary of the KWO, said the junta is more aggressive and continues to commit atrocities without fear.

The KWO and KHRG urge the international community to denounce the atrocities carried out by the Burma Army, to stop any engagement that gives the junta legitimacy, to halt the sale of aviation fuel and arms to the junta, and to take concrete steps to support local efforts and solutions to the humanitarian and human rights crisis.

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