Junta’s arson attack forces villagers to flee in Dawei

Junta’s arson attack forces villagers to flee in Dawei

When there were no active firefights, the regime troops stormed and set fire to the villages in eastern Dawei’s Wakon village, causing the inhabitants to flee for safety, according to the PDF comrades.

A junta column of 60 troops entered Wakone village around 6 a.m. on January 8 and burned down 15 local homes.

It is reported that the military personnel also took the valuable items from the houses before setting fire to them.

The military council’s army entered Wakone and burned down the local houses, forcing all of the villagers to flee without being able to carry any belongings, the PDFs said.

On January 7, a battle broke out between the military council and the PDF joint forces between Thingandon and Wakon villages, and the junta army burned Wagone village after suffering casualties.

The Southern Monitor, a research organization, announced on January 7 that 188 houses were burned down in Tanintharyi Region following the military coup from September to the end of December last year.

The regime troops and subordinate groups burned down houses, most of which were 115 civilian homes in Palaw.

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