Junta troops set ablaze four granaries In Hpapun Karen State

Junta troops set ablaze four granaries In Hpapun Karen State

Junta troops stormed into La Gor De village in Khaw Pote village tract in Butho township in Mutraw(Hpapun) district, a Karen National Union (KNU) 5th Brigade-controlled area, and burned four granaries containing rice, according to the Mutraw District Bulletin.

More than 270 bushels of rice were destroyed by the arson attack. Regime troops also looted valuable antiques, solar panels and other things belonging to the villagers.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kaleldo the spokesperson of the KNU 5th Brigade stated, "The activities of the Myanmar Army have gradually increased in our 5th Brigade territory. Air strikes and artillery fire have also escalated. Houses have been damaged during such attacks. In this incident, several granaries have been destroyed”.

“On December 9th, the Military Council carried out two airstrikes on a crowded area in Me Wine village in Dwelo Township, as well as firing around a hundred times using artillery and small arms. Cattle raised by the locals were also mercilessly shot dead. In a period of more than a month from November to now, the Military Council conducted 11 airstrikes in KNU 5th Brigade’s areas and destroyed at least 10 houses,” Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kaleldo added.

The KNU observed that local people needed to be vigilant at night due to the risks of the MilitaryCouncil’s airstrikes and shelling.

From November till early December, there were 147 clashes between the Military Council troops and local Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and its joint forces in the 5th brigade’s territory.

During these armed conflicts, 89 Military Council soldiers were killed and 59 were wounded, while KNLA suffered 11 casualties and 38 injuries, according to KNU 5th Brigade.

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