Junta offices in Sagaing Town attacked

Junta offices in Sagaing Town attacked

Five junta soldiers died in a bomb attack on the general administration office and the city development committee office in Sagaing Town's Poe Tan Ward at 2:15 p.m. on 1  August.

The attack was carried out by a joint force of local guerrilla groups. As well as the deaths of the five junta soldiers who were guarding the offices two cars were destroyed, but all the defence force members involved in the attack were able to safely retreat without suffering any casualties, according to the Daung Ni Defence Force (DNDF-Wetlet), one of the groups involved in the attacks.

A time bomb was planted in the township general administration office and when it went off a grenade was also thrown into the office.

A grenade was also thrown at the city development committee office, but this was more of a warning than an all-out attack.

'We planted a time bomb in the Township General Administration Office, we also threw a grenade [into the office]. There is no doubt that five junta soldiers died. The grenade tossed at the city development committee office was only a warning', said Laytar, the head of DNDF-Wetlet, to Mizzima.

The attack was jointly carried out by DNDF-Wetlet and the People's Dictatorship Revolutionary Force (PDRF) as the first attack in Operation Hammurabi, which was launched to repay the blood debt the junta incurred when they executed Ko Jimmy, Ko Zayar Thaw, Ko Hla Myo Aung and Ko Aung Thura Zaw.

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