Junta likely to use all its weapons to defeat resistance forces

Junta likely to use all its weapons to defeat resistance forces

The Military Council may accelerate the suppression of the revolutionary forces in the conflicted regions using all weapons, ethnic leaders and political analysts said.

In almost 22 months after the coup, the military regime has been increasingly carrying out airstrikes in Magwe and Sagaing regions, including the ethnic regions of Kachin, Kain, and Rakhine States.

On the other hand, innocent civilians were killed and houses and buildings were also damaged due to the use of heavy weapons by the suffering infantry units.

On November 16, the military council bombed a mining facility in the KNU’s Brigade 5 territory, near the Phayar Thone Su area in Karen State, resulting in some casualties.

In addition, on November 17, less than 10 civilians were killed and many others were injured due to the explosion of the military council’s weapon in Jaikchaung village in Maungtaw Township, Rakhine State.

Dr. Sai Kyi Zin Soe, a political analyst, said that the Military Council has carried out repression under the pretext of “terrorism” and will continue to do so in the future.

On the other hand, the term of the country’s state of emergency is only a few months away and will end on February 1 next year.

According to the 2008 Constitution, the military council is preparing the election process, such as determining the location of the polling stations, checking the households, to hold an election within six months after the end of the state of emergency.

The first secretary of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), Khu Daniel, said that the military council will use various approaches to crack down on the revolutionary forces before the election.

According to KNU spokesperson, Padod Saw Taw Nee, the coup council may turn to airstrikes more to suppress the revolutionary forces now because they are suffering a lot on the ground.

Since the military came to power until October 12 of this year, there have been more than 7,700 armed clashes across the nation, according to data from the research group ISP-Myanmar.

Karen State had seen the most clashes, at least 4383 clashes, and Sagaing Region had seen the second-highest number of clashes, 830 times.

Karen State has the highest number of clashes with at least 4383, and Sagaing Region is in second place with 830 firefights.

According to ISP-Myanmar, the military council has conducted at least 14 airstrikes in Rakhine State, where fighting has resumed between the junta forces and the Arakan Army (AA).

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