Junta declares martial law in Ye township

Junta declares martial law in Ye township

Junta imposed martial law on 5 additional southern region  townships of Myanmar  on 2 February, with the reason to take effective measures for ensuring security, rule of law, peace and stability.

These five townships are Ye in Mon state, Kawkareik and Kyainseikkyi in Kayin state, and Thanintharyi and Pulaw in Thanintharyi Region.

The martial law was declared in these townships as per Section 425 of State Constitution, the junta media reported.

Under this order, a military commander can exercise the martial law power by himself, or transfer the power to the   commanders of respective military regions in accordance with the changing situations.

Mon and Kayin states are included in the commanding area of Southeast Command, and Thanintharyi Region is in the Coastal Region Command.

A total of 37 townships in 4 regions and 3 states were put into the list of martial law one day after the junta extended the State of Emergency for 6 months on 1 February.

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