Junta Continues Reign Of Terror In Sagaing

Junta Continues Reign Of Terror In Sagaing

Regime artillery shelling killed two senior citizens in Aung Chan Tha and Moksochong Butar, and soldiers burned houses in Aung Chan Tha after coming under fire from resistance groups in Wetlet Township in Sagaing Region on 28 February.

In Aung Chan Tha, the military burned a rice mill and some equipment, a woman who requested anonymity told NMG. “They also burnt down a house on the same compound of the rice mill, but before they burnt it, they removed a Buddha statue from the house. I think the owner lost millions of kyat.”

The soldiers, who are from the Northeastern Military Command in northern Shan State, also burned down houses in Moksochong Butar and Tawngbet Lae Kaing on the same day as Aung Chan Tha.

“They fought around Aung Chan Tha and suffered some casualties,” said a member of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), explaining they entered the area on 24 February with the help of guides.

Locals said informants fingered the houses of PDF members in Moksochong Butar and they burnt down 10 houses and also a rice mill. A 60-year-old man was killed by shelling as residents fled the village. An elderly woman was killed by shelling in Aung Chan Tha.

The same column is still reportedly patrolling around the three villages.

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