Junta continues attacks on civilians in southern Myanmar

Junta continues attacks on civilians in southern Myanmar

In Mon State, Karen State and the Tanintharyi region, civilians are relentlessly being attacked by artillery shells and the bullets of the junta’s indiscriminate firing, according to NGO the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM).

Destruction of property, including the burning of villages, is ongoing. Thousands more are being forced to flee their homes daily as military impunity and a lack of international action only encourage the junta to commit more atrocity crimes.

The year 2023 has continued to be marked with violence against the people in Myanmar.

People in Karen State, in particular, have been harshly impacted. Armed opposition to the junta has been fierce, and the Burma Army has encountered significant losses. In response, they have retaliated and targeted civilian areas.

According to data collected by HURFOM, on 9 February 2023, a local church was destroyed by the Burmese military airstrikes in Dooplaya District, Karen State, in areas controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU).

Between 3 and 16 February the junta forces fired artillery mortars more than twenty times into four different village tracts in Kawkareik Township and southern Kyainnseikyi Township. As a result, 22 homes in three villages were obliterated, and at least six people were injured.

On the evening of 14 February, around 11:00 p.m., three junta fighter jets struck Lu Thaw in the KNU’s Brigade 5 Administrative areas. Eight bombs were fired into Debuno village, striking six houses.

The next day, three more junta-backed fighter jets flew from Lu Thaw and another six bombs were fired into Pedae Kae Village.

The attack destroyed a primary school, including seven public buildings, six houses, and three local shops. Other livestock and farm tools such as tractors, motorcycles and rice mills were also ruined. In total, more than 3 million Thai Baht (approximately 87,099.15 USD) worth of damages was incurred in losses.

In Ye Township, in Mon State, on 11 February at 5:00 p.m., locals from the junta indiscriminately fired artillery into Mon State’s La Mine Town, locals that killed a novice monk and injured a monk from the Ro-Hpo-Gaw Monastery.

It was confirmed that the artillery was fired by Junta Artillery Regiment No. 317. This unit operates under the Military Operation Management Command No. 19. An estimated seven shells exploded in the vicinity of the monastery.

On 13 February, Buddhist monks were again targeted. Infantry Battalion No. 9 based in Thaton, Mon State, fired indiscriminately, causing an explosion in a Buddhist monastery. It seriously injured an 11-year-old Novice and two monks, aged 56 and 45.

Innocent civilians in southern Myanmar areas are being targeted as the junta continues to commit these crimes with impunity.

HURFOM says that the international community must respond with consequences that hold them accountable. HURFOM is calling for sanctions on aviation fuel and sources of military revenue to be cut off and for aid to reach those in need. It says that donors must adopt more informed policies in accordance with the local situation and work with local organisations to ensure cross-border assistance reaches the most vulnerable.

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