An interview with women candidates in Chin State

An interview with women candidates in Chin State
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Four out of 13 female candidates secured the seats in the 2020 General Elections in Chin State. Apart from Dr Aye Aye Ngun, the three female candidates are sitting lawmakers. The BNI interviewed the elected female candidates about the priority tasks in the coming five-year parliamentary term.

Daw Ni Shwe Lyan, the NLD’s elected candidate for Chin State Parliament in Htantalan Township

Roads, education, health, water supply and electricity are on the agenda for development tasks in Chin State. Among them, the most interesting thing is education. I have been engaged in the education sector for 34 years. I have a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages in the education sector in Chin State as all my experience and service was in Chin State.

In 2021 the education sector is in need of upgrading schools, teachers, teaching aids and the facilities for teachers. For instance some villages lack electricity. I submitted the proposal in parliament for the installation of a national power grid in more than 90 villages in Htantalan Township. There are no mineral resources in Chin State. Chin State will see a gradual development if we mainly nurture education in Chin State as much as we can. Education is the most important thing. That is why education is the first priority.

Daw Khin Shwe Lwin, upper house elected candidate from Kanpetlet Township

I will pay attention to regional development tasks as much as I can, as our region has lagged behind development. There are the ongoing tasks in the second tenure of parliament. I think the MPs will discuss the bill on the prevention of violence against women during the tenure of second parliament. The move aims to give legal protection to women and reduce the amount of violence against women. I will work for socio-economic development of voters in Chin State. Chin State faces poverty and difficulties in education, health and transportation. Transportation difficulty leads to lower education and health standards. I will coordinate to ensure a better transportation system with relevant departments. I will perform the duties assigned by the people.

Dr. Aye Aye Ngun, the elected NLD candidate from Haka Township upper house

Being a professor, I intend to reform and promote the education system. The primary school class is very important in the villages. There are many requirements in basic education high schools in the cities. There are not enough teachers in the villages. The subjects they are teaching are not suited to their qualifications. The appointment of teachers must be done to fill vacancies in schools. In a bid to promote the education system, the teachers must have better qualifications. We need many teachers who can do teaching with patience and benevolence. It is the most important thing. I will try my best. I would like to request the public to provide advice and suggestions to me.

Daw Kyein Ngike Man, a candidate from Lower House MP from ZCD in Tunzan Township

Many infrastructure projects in Chin State have been completed between 2015 and 2020. This is the result of cooperation. The Teedim-Tunzan-Kyeekhar road has been completed. Many road projects have been completed. There are very low employment opportunities in Chin State. We need to equip our youths with skills.

Education is out of the reach of many children in the rural areas due to a shortage of teachers and difficult road access. We need to teach livelihood to them as a way to develop human resources. For the convenience of locals, we need to implement domestic industry in the future, based on agriculture and livestock. Now silkworm breeding has started in Tunzan Township. We need to progress from silkworm breeding to the weaving industry. To sum up we can regard agriculture and breeding to increase individual income and GDP as our base. We will prioritize craft, youth development and also create a plan for women to gain income.

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