An interview with Dr. Tin Mar Aung, formerly staunch NLD, has switched to be a candidate of the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)

An interview with Dr. Tin Mar Aung, formerly staunch NLD, has switched to be a candidate of the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)
by -
Min Tun (DMG)

Dr. Tin Mar Aung was a hardcore of the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD). She will run for the seat in Arakan State parliament constituency-2 in Taungup Township, representing the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD).

Q: Can you explain the reason why you choose to run for the Arakan State parliament, representing the ALD?

A: I am working for the development in Arakan State with the Dr. Saw Mya Aung Foundation. But I do not think it is effective.  The Arakanese people including those in Taungup Township have fallen below the poverty line and suffer their plight without any social justice. I have a burning desire to work for the rights of Arakanese people in the parliament rather than outside parliament so I decided to run for a seat as a candidate for the Arakan State parliament.

Q: Can you explain why you decided to compete in the election as a candidate from the ALD instead of other parties?

A: The ALD party was set up by my father, Dr. Saw Mya Aung since 1988. So I have complete full trust in the policy of the ALD. It is also in tune with my own ideas.

Taungup is the only entrance to the Arakan State crossing the Arakan Mountain Range. In addition, it is not so far from the famous Ngapali Beach on the Arakan coast. The Bay of Bengal is located in the west of Taungup which is covered by the verdant forests and mountain ranges.  The locals in Taungup earn their living as merchants, in marine business, agriculture and breeding. I am eager to work for the development of a beautiful Taungup. The ALD has assigned me to run for the seat there.

Q: What is your election victory plan? To what extent do you think you have a good chance of winning?

A: I strongly believe that in parliament I can effectively work for the Arakanese people and the Taungup residents. I will lay down the plan for the better future of Arakan State in cooperation with other candidates.

Q: You served as the personal assistant to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for four years. In addition, you are acting as a chair of the Educative Committee for the nomination of the MraukU culture heritage on the UNESCO list. You are also engaging in other sectors. Can these credentials help you to win the election?

A: I have submitted a report on the nomination of MraukU on the list of culture heritage. I am providing the IDP camps with relief aid and COVID-19 protective gear. I do my best in my work including philanthropic and developmental tasks. Both local and foreign experience I have learned throughout my life are invaluable. These experiences will contribute to my chances of an election victory.

Q - currently, the number of female candidates is relatively low in Arakan State. There is no candidate for the Arakan State parliament. There is no submission of proposals pertaining to the women affairs and voices. What is your main priority if you win the Arakan State parliamentary seat?

A: It is true even in the whole country, the role of women’s participation in politics remains low. As you said before, there is no female candidate in Arakan State parliament. As a result, there are less discissions about woman affairs and child development. I will mainly focus on the social life of women, the better future of children and support for more female candidates in the parliament. In addition to the women affairs, I would like to work on health, social, education and environmental conservation of Arakanese people, together with the winning female candidates.

Q: What kinds of difficulties and challenges will you face in the upcoming election?

A: Everybody faces difficulties and challenges in their daily life. The political situation in Arakan State is nothing new to me. I expect I would face many difficulties as I compete in the election for the first time. I have prepared myself mentally for the task. I will try my best whatever difficulties I face, with a burning desire to serve the interests of the Arakanese people.

Q: Do you have anything to add?

A: I would like to add that I have committed to building up a beautiful Arakan State together with the Arakanese people. I will start building up the sound and beautiful future for the new Arakan generation, as of today.

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