An interview with Daw Al Balin, elected Kayah State candidate who secured the Kayah State Constituency-2 in Phruso Township, from the Kayah State Democratic Party

An interview with Daw Al Balin, elected Kayah State candidate who secured the Kayah State Constituency-2 in Phruso Township, from the Kayah State Democratic Party
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နော်ဒွေးအယ်ခူ (KT)

According to the 2020 General Elections results, the representation of female candidates in parliaments has increased by around four percent.

Q: As a female candidate, to what extent can you achieve in parliament? What obstacles do you face?

A: I never limit myself either in politics or in the family. There is no challenge for me. I strongly believe that I will as much as any man.

Q: What is your plan for women's affairs in the Kayah State parliament?

A: There have been no female candidates in Kayah State parliament from 2015 to 2020. In 2020, there are two elected female candidates, including one from the USDP. I will work for female affairs in parliament in cooperation with her. As a first female candidate, I need to create a collection of those from different backgrounds, as there are many women’s groups in Karenni State. We first need to listen to the voices of women to know the major needs of women, to make amendments to laws, and to ensure the inclusion of women in politics and decision making. We will discuss the suitable strategies suggested by the majority of women groups, in parliament.

Q: Do you oppose the 2008 Constitution. Why did you decide to compete in the election held under the 2008 Constitution?

A: We have to carry out youth and political activities under the charter even though we don’t like it. The EAOs also have to work on the ceasefire under the charter. I have been engaging in the activities outside the parliament for many years. Though we don’t like the 2008 Charter, only the state parliament can serve the interest of the people and protect our region. It is about damn time for the youths to play their parts. That’s why I can protect the interest of the people in parliament through party politics.

Q: There are three EAOs in the west of Phruso constituency. Do you have any plan to cooperate with them on regional development and peace issues?

A: We cannot do anything without the views of EAOs, the CSOs, youths, women and residents, in the future processes. Seeking their views and meetings is a must. I believe that three EAOs would actively get involved in the regional development tasks.

Q: Your party secured only three seats for Kayah State parliament. Will your party face difficulty in the submission of proposals?

A: We are ready to cooperate with any organizations for the interest of people. According to party policy, we are in a position to cooperate with all democratic forces. The submission of proposals may face obstacles as we only have three lawmakers. The submission of proposals will be easy, when we have a common view on regional development and interest of people.

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